About Us


What is thinkBig Africa?

thinkBig Africa is an innovative aid foundation that assists the young future African generations in creating for them the right mindset to strive in their respective regions, developing and building interest in political matters across Africa to be relevant in their individual societies at large.

thinkBig Africa started in the year 2017 in the city of Abuja, Nigeria, with some young leaders who have undrainable passion and drive in helping others, giving support to children in schools that might not be able to afford school uniforms, books, fees etc. and also getting nessecities like sanitary pads to young females who had to stop coming to school because they couldn't afford it.

What is "Pay your Own School Fees" about?

Pay your own school fees as the name implies is a platform that will enable kids to assist their parents in paying their school fees. They will be judged by their essay writing and votes.
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